3 Ways Nautilus Rolling Shutters Provide Year-Round Protection

Everyone living through a hurricane in Sarasota knows what it's like to survive the destructive forces of nature, but what about being prepared for other situations during the year like theft and vandalism? The right kind of hurricane shutters can offer safety and security, which is something every homeowner in Sarasota needs. Not all hurricane shutters offer year-round protection for a home. Nautilus rolling shutters deploy quickly and are one of the most effective ways to protect a Sarasota house. They offer the ultimate in-home safety and security all year long. Here's why and how.
Nautilus Shutters Protect Your Home During A Hurricane
Nautilus Extruded Aluminum Rolling Shutters are made to fit windows, large wide openings, like patios, balconies, and front porches. They are perfect for protecting sliding glass doors and doorways. When the Nautilus Rolling Shutter is closed, it provides a protective Solid barrier of high-performance Extruded Aluminum, against the Storm.
Protect From Theft After The Storm
It's an unfortunate fact that there are some out there who take advantage of the chaos left in the wake of a passing storm to vandalize and loot. Once a storm passes, many homes can be left without power for days on end, if not weeks, and whether they're panicking about food and water or just looking to take advantage of the chaos, some people can see empty homes as a prime target. With Nautilus rolling shutters, you have a protective barrier over the entrances to your home after the storm has passed, helping to keep looters, thieves, and vandals out of your home.
Remote Control Shutters Can Turn Your House Into A Giant Safe Room
Nautilus rolling style shutters can be installed to protect before and after hurricanes, as well as any other time you need to protect your home or family. They can be installed to close off your doors and windows, and they can be outfitted with a wireless operating system that gives you full control over the safety of your home, even when you're away. All year long, your entire Sarasota house can be your family's safe room.