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3 Tips For Maintaining Your Accordion Hurricane Shutters

Maintaining accordion shutters

Before the next storm blows through the Sarasota area, it's good to know your Accordion hurricane shutters are working properly and will do their job to protect your home. Learning about the maintenance for your Accordion hurricane shutters, doing what's needed to ensure they're working right when the next storm comes barreling through the area. The last thing you want is to find out at the last minute that your Accordion shutters won't close or aren't working right, so it's important to know how to maintain them. In this article, our team of skilled hurricane shutters professionals will provide several helpful tips to help you maintain your accordion hurricane shutters.

Maintain Your Shutters

Accordion hurricane shutters are a popular option that has been installed on many Sarasota homes. They are easy to deploy, they are made for maximum impact protection. It's important to make sure you maintain and clean your Accordion hurricane shutters every year to ensure they operate correctly when you need them.

  • Open and close your Accordion Shutters, to make sure, they are working properly.
  • You should clean and lubricate your Accordion Shutters with L.C. WAX
  • Aluminum Lubricant, every year, before the start of Hurricane Season.

If you're not able to or don't want to do the maintenance yourself, you can always reach out to a professional to help you with the task.

Clean Your Accordion Shutters

Cleaning and Lubricating, are the most important parts of maintaining your Accordion shutters. Dirt, Sand, Salt, and Natures pesky little critters are the elements that we normally deal with here in Sarasota. You'll want to make sure you clean and lubricate your Accordion shutters at least once a year to make sure, that they are working properly when needed. Only use L.C. WAX Aluminum Lubricate, to keep your Accordion shutters, looking new and ready to use, when needed.

It's best to clean your Accordion shutters before you lubricate. Otherwise, you'll need to lubricate again after the cleaning. You can wash and clean your Accordion hurricane shutters, but be careful about using harsh detergents and chemicals. Try washing your Accordion shutters with water from your garden hose. Pressure washing can damage your shutters and is not recommended. Never use an abrasive cleaner, use a mild soapy water solution and a soft cloth. Rinse your Accordion shutters with clean water, dry, and lubricate with L.C. WAX Aluminum Lubricant.

Give Your Sarasota Hurricane Shutter Professionals A Call Today!